I heart valentines day...its a perfect reason to get all fancy and go out on the town. I was wondering if my favorite holiday would be a bust like most my others have been lately lol But my morning began with a special valentines breakfast with my little loves. My babies are the best thing I have and they thought that all the hearts and chocolate was pretty cool. Later that evening I had a lovly double date with adam, joni and rico. my date was good at the valentines day rules and brought roses which scored him a few extra points. bravo ;) anyways we ate at hotel monacos Bambara which was a great choice. I love my fish and red meat so the steak we ordered was perfect. after he hit up chilis for the chocolate cake and then the hotel for some movie fun! all and all I had a wonderful night
heres a few pics
joni was sad cause this is her favorite and shes been on a anti sugar diet since christmas... go her!
your all wondering what adam is doing.....well hes being edward for me lol
so I had a wonderful sun filled weekend. I got to lay out by the pool while you people...froze in the snow ;) Im a little tanner and much happier. heres a few highlights. I forgot my little camera and didnt get alot of pictures cause I didnt wanna bring my big baby around!
we got up super early to catch the sunrise. this is me after 2 hours of sleep lol..not so pretty huh
my favorite part about being a girl...heels
me and winnie...who FYI! is prego! yea for babies
while winter had to work casey was a trooper and took me to this really cool garden. they had all this glass art around! also...looking like crap here lol
now some random note worthy pictures...
my little messy faced boy is such a charmer
my shoes are always note worthy ...my favorite pumps...2 years running BUT those L.A.M.B ones above might give them a run for the number one spot.
I have to say Im 100% over the cold! I want to take the kids to the park and play! I found these photos that make me go ..."oh yes I remember the sunshine!" fall 08 Lucky for me I get to go down to A.Z this weekend where its warm. the plan? winter and me are gonna focus on some nature photography, do a little hiking, and go to the arts festival again. counting down the days!
this one is a fav from some one on one with nature
my wild dirty faced boy
a girls girl but plays hard like her mommy lol....I love watching her run its a crack up
Im sure I will have lots of fun pics to share when Im back
I have been playing as well but havent blogged ...soon soon
.. this blog gets a lot of traffic and so I dont focus on the everyday parts of my childrens lives. They are number one in my world, I just dont feel right about broadcasting them. I have no problem with you getting to know me through my blog but my kidlets are for me
I chase little people
I am a snack carrying, mess cleaner, booboo kisser, and bedtime story reader. I scare away the monsters and live in a enchanted castle along with a dragon and a princess often. Im a pro at staying inside the lines, playdough, finger painting and the art of fort making. I know every cartoon on disney channel and Im a enforcer of time out when needed. I teach right from wrong and answer all the why questions. I play ball with my lil man and make believe with my kitkat. I am a mommy
song of the week
musical perfection
the most important things in my world.
-Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
~Berthold Auerbach
-" I'd rather light a candle than curse the darkness" adlai stevenson
-write your story with a bright perspective, have your happy ending in mind and let the middle fall into place. yours truly
-few people get to do their true passion in life and get payed for it...I am one of those people.
I dont edit my personal photos like crazy just your basic tweek. But I do ask you dont use any photos off this site. they are not watermarked but still copyrighted . thank you B