I found these photos that make me go ..."oh yes I remember the sunshine!" fall 08
Lucky for me I get to go down to A.Z this weekend where its warm. the plan? winter and me are gonna focus on some nature photography, do a little hiking, and go to the arts festival again. counting down the days!
this one is a fav from some one on one with nature
my wild dirty faced boy
a girls girl but plays hard like her mommy lol....I love watching her run its a crack up
Im sure I will have lots of fun pics to share when Im back
I have been playing as well but havent blogged ...soon soon
Oh I miss the warm sunshine. I miss flip flops and shorts. I hate Utah winters! Can't wait for summer!
Your kids are adorable! I think we should get our boys together to play. Little Billy needs to teach Crew how to ride a bike- Crew hasn't quite got the hang of it! And we still need to plan a lunch date!
Your kids are just darling!!! and YAY for Sunshine and sunflowers!
Girl, your trip looks like a blast. I love how you have so much fun!! And blog stalked onto Joni's blog {she was a friend of an old roomie} and you look STUNNING! If I could look as hot as you. You are BEAUTIFUL!
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