Wedding season is in full bloom and I have been runnning around like crazy. Here are a few gems from my last wedding. It was sooo fun to have one of my BF at the wedding the whole day!
hey girl! I hope you are doing well with my biggest dance comp around the corner I haven't been much of a friend to anyone. I hope you are doing well. I am loving all of your new photos man you just keep getting better and better and you were already amazing. :)
.. this blog gets a lot of traffic and so I dont focus on the everyday parts of my childrens lives. They are number one in my world, I just dont feel right about broadcasting them. I have no problem with you getting to know me through my blog but my kidlets are for me
I chase little people
I am a snack carrying, mess cleaner, booboo kisser, and bedtime story reader. I scare away the monsters and live in a enchanted castle along with a dragon and a princess often. Im a pro at staying inside the lines, playdough, finger painting and the art of fort making. I know every cartoon on disney channel and Im a enforcer of time out when needed. I teach right from wrong and answer all the why questions. I play ball with my lil man and make believe with my kitkat. I am a mommy
song of the week
musical perfection
the most important things in my world.
-Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
~Berthold Auerbach
-" I'd rather light a candle than curse the darkness" adlai stevenson
-write your story with a bright perspective, have your happy ending in mind and let the middle fall into place. yours truly
-few people get to do their true passion in life and get payed for it...I am one of those people.
I dont edit my personal photos like crazy just your basic tweek. But I do ask you dont use any photos off this site. they are not watermarked but still copyrighted . thank you B
Heyo cutie.. You look awesome! And I can't believe how big Kaitlyn and Billy are getting.. :(
hey girl! I hope you are doing well with my biggest dance comp around the corner I haven't been much of a friend to anyone. I hope you are doing well. I am loving all of your new photos man you just keep getting better and better and you were already amazing. :)
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